I finally made it home from Kulaqua after a series of events. I left Florida after our going away staff party and it was a just a little depressing. But there were a few things comforting me as I drove away from "The Great Outdoors Restaurant" in High Springs...the 1st good thing was that I was driving home in a caravan of other staff members so I wouldn't be completely alone, 2nd I would be seeing probably over 90% of this year's staff at Southern next year lol, and 3rd I was going home for the first time since Christmas! woo hoo!
So after a 7 hour drive I got to good ol' Collegedale. It was good to see some of my other friends. I spent the night there and the next day headed out to ATL for GC (ha abbreviations). It was really good to hang out there and be around Atlanta. Unexpectedly I stayed up super late the night before my journey home. It was totally worth it but I was kinda tired going home. Chris and I left for Lancaster, PA and made it there that night. And that brings me to TODAY. I left Lancaster today and finally made it home!!!!!!!! And now I'm sitting here in my living room with the family...but only for a few more days. Wow I never update this much. I better stop. Chao!