My time here at Loma Linda has been really good! I kinda broke my own golden rule when coming into this whole internship thing. I've been trying to go into things having NO expectations, but I guess this time I did the opposite. My expectations of Loma Linda were pretty low before I got here. I figured this whole thing would just be a resume booster and I'd be glad when it's over, but my expectations were shattered upon arrival.
I found that I really like Southern California and working at LLU. But most importantly, I've really enjoyed getting to know the people here and making new friends. I'm not gonna name any names but everyone who I've met here is so accommodating and helpful. I'm glad I've had the chance to come here and spend the remainder of my summer in Brazil/SoCal. I feel blessed for all of the opportunity that God constantly provides and wonder if I even deserve all of it. Each time I take another step a new door is opened.
This summer has seriously flown by so fast I didn't even realize that it's almost over. It's definitely been one of the best summer's I've had. And FOR SURE has been the busiest/craziest summer for me in a while. It feels like I just got out of school and have to go back in just a few weeks. All I know is that I'm not gonna take this time for granted. I'm going to cherish each moment and adventure I face.