Saturday, September 20, 2008

Everyone is finally here!  We have a great group of people here in Thailand. We've just finished our fast! It only ended up being a 3 day fast but it was sooooo hard. Today we were allowed to eat fruit and it tasted so good. I definitely appreciate food more now. For some reason throughout the fast I was craving a cheesy bean and rice burrito grilled from taco bell. yeah i had a lot of time to think about food. It was torture walking through the store's food aisles. haha but now I can eat again. The fasting was one part of our detox/cleansing. We also had to do a saltwater cleansing. That was really hard and made me feel sick that day. We had to drink a liter of warm salt water in 20 min. I did it and my stomach didn't agree with it. But I definitely got a lot out that way lol. Tonight we went to a funeral for a 12 year old boy. It was in Thai but funerals are never fun. The boy was struck by lightning last night and killed. Another boy his age is in the hospital with a 50/50 chance of waking up again. These kind of things really bring you down to earth and make you appreciate your life. I've had a lot of those experiences this past year so I've thought about it a lot. But anyway on Tuesday Me, Brian, and Rob are heading somewhere to get some footage for a new documentary project. I'm really excited for this one. Hopefully we eventually get enough footage to make a Karen tribe documentary. It will be a lot of fun to work on. Oh yeah we were just driving here to get internet and we got to see something really cool. It's dark out and we saw something in the road and we got closer and realized it was a big python! It was about 10 feet long and we immediately jumped out of the truck with the video camera. We got a few moments of the snake on tape and I got to touch it twice before it slithered back into the jungle! I love this place, it's awesome!


Jackie said...

Ooo I don't know about the whole salt water thing...But, I guess you're all cleaned out now haha. I can't wait to see all your footage when you get back!

Phoebe said...

Such crazy times! Glad you guys are all here in Thailand finally! I'm so jealous that I didn't get to see the snake. If we didn't have to be up at 4:30 to cook breakfast the next morning, I might have gone! Oh well.

Unknown said...

Hi Richie,
Take it one day at a time - your decision shows a lot of courage. I know this will be a live changing experience for you. Keith and Tania are living in Florida - married and happy. Casey and Seanna are still here in NY. If you go to my flickr account

you can see pictures of Keith and Tania at Cocoa Beach and also the church fair that took place last sunday. Enjoy - remember keep the faith. Love Yvonne & Steve

Unknown said...

Hi Richie,
Take it one day at a time - your decision shows a lot of courage. I know this will be a life changing experience for you. Keith and Tania are living in Florida - married and happy. Casey and Seanna are still here in NY. If you go to my flickr account

you can see pictures of Keith and Tania at Cocoa Beach and also the church fair that took place last sunday. Enjoy - remember keep the faith. Love Yvonne & Steve

Milimo said...

DUDE >>>>>>>>>>>THat is super sweet!

Unknown said...

i am leaving a comment as HEATHER. but this is actually pizza. i need to get a google account or something so i can leave other comments. but for now miss you ricky tan ONE CHECK ONE LOVE

Jake said...

Alright listen here mang, I don't who you think you are jumping out of a truck to wrestle a snake, If its not crazy tidal waves and stuff I have to worry about, it's you being insane.

last night we opened for Fear Before the March of Flames and I was The All Time Strong Man...okay maybe not.

I miss you like crazy and I had to Google your name to finally find this. But I never have the internet, not because I am in the jungle but because that's just Buffalo for ya, so I'm not sure how often I'll get on here, but just remember I love ya bruddah!

Jake said...
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Anonymous said...

dude your freakin nuts...